2025: This New Year, Prioritize Your Fertility Health
As 2025 begins, it’s the perfect time to prioritize your fertility health as part of your New Year’s resolutions. With increasing awareness of reproductive wellness, taking proactive steps toward understanding and improving your fertility has never been more important. From regular health checkups to adopting a fertility-friendly lifestyle, there are many ways to nurture your reproductive health. Let 2025 be the year you take control, make informed decisions, and set the foundation for a healthier future.
One after the other, years are passing by, 2020 is almost at our doorstep, yet women have to face numerous challenges no less than agneeparisksha even in this decade. Stigmas are created about issues that women have no control over. One of such issues is fertility. Women, not just in India, but all over the world have to go through a lot – depression, societal pressure, atrocities from families, taunts which affect their mental as well as physical health. But the situation was grim in our country until Fertility Dost came into the picture.
According to the Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction, an average of 14 percent of the Indian population is struggling through infertility. In urban areas, 1 out of 6 couples is affected due to infertility. Over 27 million couples trying to conceive are unable to do so. Inability to conceive, negative tests, the urgency to become a mother makes us too harsh on ourselves.
Let’s take some resolutions this new year to start your journey of becoming a mother afresh. Make some promises to yourself, it might even help to change these numbers.
This Year, Own Your Fertility Journey: Prioritize Your Health in 2025
1.Be Kind To Yourself
We often start blaming ourselves for things that aren’t happening. Don’t blame yourself for your food decisions, eating the wrong way, for your past, for drinking too much, or for waiting too long to start trying. None of this is your fault. This is the time to start loving yourself
2.Forgive Yourself
We said this before and we’re saying it again. You did not want this struggle, and it’s not your fault that you have to go through this. Kick all the thoughts out of your mind which leads to self-hatred. It’s the new year, the time to start new things. What could be better than starting with yourself?
Infertility has been a neglected topic both as a health problem as well as a social subject. Infertility and reproductive health ailments lead to mental trauma for many couples and women at large. Childlessness ranges around 5.5 percent for the age group of 30-49 years while around 5.2 percent for 45 – 49 age group.
What adds to this number is feeling helpless. This new year, promise yourself that you won’t lose.
3.Don’t Lose Hope
This new year promise yourself to not lose hope in yourself. When you spend months and months expecting good news just to see negative pregnancy tests, you tend to lose hope. One of the important things while trying to conceive in trying to maintaining positivity in each possible way. Don’t let your head sink in negative thoughts. Read good books, watch movies, go on long walks, just don’t lose hope. Infertility has a profound impact on women’s mental health. Fertility Dost got in touch with a woman who attempted suicide. After proper counseling with the help of our support group, we were able to save her life. Investigators have diagnosed anxiety in 23% of the study population, compared with 11% noted in a separate study of outpatients seeking general medical care. They also diagnosed major depression in 17% of the women seeking infertility treatment, compared with 6% in the other patients. So we require you to stop blaming yourself, stressing over infertility, getting jealous of other parents. None of it would do any good to you. Just take away the below points and start afresh on a positive note. Ending your life might solve your problem but it will only add to your family’s agony.
4.Don’t Stress Over
The journey of expecting a baby is like a stressful emotional rollercoaster ride where you may get upset, stressed and depressed. As cliché as it sounds, exercises like yoga, meditation, massage, and acupuncture could do wonders. Get yourself booked for a rejuvenating spa session and feel the difference yourself.
5.Let Go Of Jealousy
It’s easier said than done, indeed! Not being able to conceive while seeing everyone around you with a new little member in their family may muster many negative emotions in your mind. Again, this affects your mental wellbeing and creates a negative impact that is not healthy for baby-making.
6.Break The Routine
Stop counting days for cycle, periods, sex days. It gets boring and frustrating with time. Each month feels heavier than the previous one. Start a new hobby. Start investing time in yourself. Take an online course, or go out for swimming classes. There are a plethora of options available for you to distract yourself.
In the end what matters the most is your ability to help yourself and seek help to your aid.
7.Don’t Hesitate To Seek Help
In the end, Fertility Dost has been there for the past years and promises to stand beside in the coming years. We are here to provide any guidance, support, and assistance in every possible way. Share what makes you happy, what troubles you with your partner, friend or anyone. As 2025 begins, make a firm decision to not stop yourself from seeking help.
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