Fertility Dost

Increase Sperm Count With Yoga | Best Yoga Asanas For Fertility In 2025

Male Infertility
Increase Sperm Count With Yoga | Best Yoga Asanas For Fertility In 2025

Male infertility is one of the major issues in our modern society, about 20% of infertile couple’s problem is only in the male partner. Recent studies have shown that 1 in 20 men have low sperm counts and 1 in every 100 men have zero sperm count. One of the main causes of infertility in men are reduced physical activities and tremendous stress levels, which can be rectified to a great extend with proper lifestyle management and yoga for male fertility.

Best Yoga Asanas for Fertility

For men looking to improve reproductive health naturally, yoga asanas for fertility offer a powerful and holistic approach. Certain poses, such as Padmasana (Lotus Pose) and Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose), enhance blood circulation in the pelvic region, supporting sperm production. Practicing yoga for male fertility regularly can also help reduce stress and balance hormones, both of which play a critical role in conception. Additionally, engaging in yoga to increase sperm count improves flexibility and promotes relaxation, creating a favorable environment for fertility.

The male reproductive system is responsible for,

Making, storing, and transporting the sperm. These functions are controlled by hormones like testosterone and androgen.


yoga asanas for fertility


Male Infertility Issues

The most common infertility issues in men are:

  1. Sperms are not grown fully,
  2. Sperms oddly shaped,
  3. Motility issues,
  4. Very low sperm count
  5. Zero sperm count


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Causes Of Male Infertility

Many biological as well as environmental factors impact male fertility. The most common ones are:

  1. Lifestyle choices
  2. Smoking
  3. Drinking alcohol
  4. Certain medications
  5. Long-term sickness (such as kidney failure)
  6. Childhood infections (such as mumps)
  7. Chromosome or hormone problems
  8. Azoospermia
  9. Varicocele

Scientific research suggests that stress and poor lifestyle choices contribute to infertility issues. Incorporating yoga to increase sperm count through poses like Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) and Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose) can help detoxify the body and increase testosterone levels. A dedicated yoga for fertility routine not only strengthens the reproductive system but also enhances overall well-being. When combined with a nutritious diet and a healthy lifestyle, yoga asanas for fertility provide a natural way to support male reproductive health.

Through this, we can conclude that, to an extend yoga for male fertility can help cure infertility and naturally boost fertility health in men.


How Yoga Helps In Increasing Sperm Count?

Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice where you learn how to establish the mind-body connection. Yoga Asanas For Fertility helps in boosting fertility health by increasing the sperm count in males through following ways:

  1. Asanas or postures helps to improve blood circulation and tone your physical body. Proper blood circulation is essential for the health of spem.
  2. Pranayama or conscious breathing techniques helps to attain a peaceful mind and relieves stress. Infertility in men is 70 % due to stress.
  3. Meditation helps to uplift you spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. This positively affects sperm mobility and its production.
  4. Yoga can also increase libido or sex derive in men. High frequency of sexual intercourse leads to high chances of pregnancy.

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6 Best Yoga Asanas For Fertility That Helps To Increase Sperm Count

1. Bhastrika Pranayama

Bhastrika Pranayama

Sit in any comfortable posture, both hands on the knees and keep your eyes closed, then Inhale and Exhale via both of your nostrils forcefully and ensure making your lungs expand to their full capacity. Perform it 30-40 times at one go and also try to increase your speed every point onwards.


2. Sethubandh Asana


Sethubandh Asana

Lie down flat on your back and keep your hands close to your hips. Slowly bend your knee and place the feet near to buttocks, then place your feet and knee apart, and try to lift the middle portion of the body from the ground. Try to touch your chin to your chest, keep the breathing going. Keep your head, neck, and shoulders tightly on the ground. Just try to hold the posture for a prolonged period and then slowly return to the initial position.


3. Dhanur Asana

Dhanur Asana

To start with it, you just need to lie flat on your stomach on the ground. Now slowly lift your legs while holding them with your ankles. You then need to raise the lower part of the body and your chest at the same time from the floor while inhaling as much air as you can to keep your stomach landed on the ground in the process.


4. Ashwani Mudra

Ashwani Mudra

Ashwani Mudra is another famous mudra of yoga for male infertility that helps to improve fertility and increase sperm quality in men. First you should sit in a sukhasana position keeping your back in a straight line and keep your eyes closed. Next, slowly contract the lower abdominal muscle of your body. Your anus tries to hold this pose for a second before coming back into the relaxed position. Try to repeat this mudra many times a day while staying focused on muscular contraction and relaxation.


5. Hal Asana

Hal Asana

This is one of the most effective asanas on this list for boosting fertility and sperm quality. To start with, lie straight with your backside on the ground. Then just stretch your body to the extent you can, while keeping the hands beside you. Inhale the air and raise your legs till they are vertical to your waist. Afterwards, maintain your head firmly on the ground while lifting your waist with the help of your hands so as your legs get stretched past your head, Touch the ground at the back of the head.


6. Nadi Shodhan Pranayama

yoga asanas for fertility

Sit comfortably with your spine erect and shoulders relaxed.

Place your left hand on the left knee. Place the tip of the index finger and middle finger of the right hand in between the eyebrows, the ring finger and little finger on the left nostril, and the thumb on the right nostril. We will use the ring finger and little finger to open or close the left nostril and thumb for the right nostril.

Press your thumb down on the right nostril and breathe out gently through the left nostril. Now breathe in from the left nostril and then press the left nostril gently with the ring finger and little finger, while immediately removing the right thumb from the right nostril, breathe out from the right. Next, beathe in from the right nostril and exhale from the left.

This is one round. Try to practice a minimum of 10 rounds a day.


Does Lifestyle Affect Male Sperm Counts?

The high prevalence of low sperm counts and low sperm motility in young men across the world today is a cause for concern. Evidence shows that major effects of individual lifestyle or environmental factors on spermatogenesis in adulthood, and prenatal exposures of males have a major impact on the capacity to produce sperm in adulthood.

However, it seems intuitively that the major changes to our lifestyles, diets and physical activity levels over recent decades have impacted negatively on spermatogenesis.

Recent researches show that yogic practices trigger neurohormonal mechanisms that reduce stress and anxiety, improve autonomic functions and thus, improve reproductive health and prevention of infertility in men. Hence, well known fertility specialist & Doctors also recommend Fertility Yoga for male infertility.

If you’re struggling with low sperm count, fertility exercise yoga may be the key to improving your chances of conception. Poses like Viparita Karani (Legs Up the Wall Pose) and Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend) work by reducing oxidative stress and improving sperm motility. Practicing yoga for male fertility at least four times a week can yield noticeable results over time. Additionally, adopting yoga asanas for fertility as part of a daily wellness routine promotes relaxation and optimizes reproductive functions.

If you are suffering from infertility then don’t worry, because Fertility Dost have especially designed a ‘Fertility Coach Program” which holistically improves the functioning of your reproductive organs. Thereby, helping you in quick conception. We have single as well as couple coach programs where you can choose to have either male or female coaches for your customized fertility coach program.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Which yoga asanas for fertility can help boost sperm count?

A1: Some of the most effective yoga asanas for fertility include Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose), Dhanurasana (Bow Pose), and Viparita Karani (Legs Up the Wall Pose). These postures improve blood flow, reduce stress, and enhance overall reproductive health, making them essential in yoga for male fertility.

Q2: Can yoga to increase sperm count be combined with other treatments?

A2: Absolutely! Practicing yoga to increase sperm count alongside a healthy diet, proper hydration, and medical treatments (if needed) can enhance results. This holistic approach, including fertility exercise yoga, is beneficial in improving sperm quality and boosting reproductive function.

Q3: How long does it take to see results from yoga for fertility?

A3: Results vary depending on individual health factors, but consistent practice of yoga for fertility for at least 3-6 months can significantly improve sperm count and motility. A combination of stress-reducing techniques and yoga asanas for fertility ensures better reproductive health over time.

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