Fertility Dost

Is PRP A Solution For Low AMH & Thin Endometrium Lining

Natural Conception, PRP
Is PRP A Solution For Low AMH & Thin Endometrium Lining

Does your test report says, Low AMH levels? Are you worried that now you cannot plan your natural pregnancy? And that, IVF treatment  is the only last option to fulfill your dream of parenthood? Well…hold your breath! We have got you covered.

Did you know, your own plasma is saviour of your ovaries? Yes, you heard it right! Ovarian PRP is the treatment that will help you to rejuvenate your ovaries with your own plasma.





Everything You Need To Know About Ovarian PRP

What is Ovarian PRP treatment?

When the quality and quantity of your egg is lower than expected from your age, its called premature ovarian insufficiency, diminished ovarian reserve or early menopause. In this condition, before you opt for IVF process, IUI process, Egg donor or any other treatment, you can also consider Ovarian PRP as an option.

Ovarian PRP is a plasma therapy, where your own platelet-rich plasma is injected in your ovaries to rejuvenate the quantity and quality of eggs.





What is PRP?

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) contains important growth factors that supports cell growth in your body.



Procedure of PRP



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After 8 Miscarriages & 3 Failed IVF, I Am A Mom | Infertility To Parenthood Story of Lalita & Diganta


Who Should Go For PRP Treatment?

If you follow Fertility Dost on every platform of social media, then you are already aware of the fact that we daily have live sessions with some of the best IVF and infertility specialist doctors that India have. These sessions are exclusive and favourite of our community members, as they get all the answers related to their infertility concerns. Based on these highly informative live sessions and other detailed discussions with our expert doctors panel, we bring to you, who should go for PRP treatment.



PRP treatment



Real Life Experiences Shared By Our Community Members on PRP Treatment

(Names have been changed to maintain confidentiality)

Many women from our Fertility Dost Community have undergone this treatment and had different experiences based on their health condition. We requested these beautiful and brave ladies to share their personal journey with us so that it can create more awareness and help many other women who are sailing in the same boat. And guess what! They instantly agreed to it.
Sonia from Gurgaon, Age 31, had thin endometrium lining. After 1 failed IVF, she was suggested by her doctor to get PRP treatment. She says,

“After my retrieval, I got my PRP done. The treatment did helped to improve my lining from 7.1 to 7.9 in 1st week and 8.2 in 2nd week. But, still my 2nd IVF failed. Though I had no side effects yet I had heavy bleeding for 3-4 months, to which my doctor said its because of the treatment and need not worry about it. Later my menstrual cycle was back to normal. This entire treatment is not painful at all, is comparatively quick and cost me around Rs. 6000.”


Ananya from Delhi, Age 30, also had thin endometrium lining. After 3 failed IVF, she was suggested by her doctor to get PRP treatment. She says,

“My doctor told me that this treatment have shown good results and so after my retrieval, I went for it. After this PRP treatment, the thickness and quality of my lining improved from 6 to 8.5, but it could not help me further, to make my IVF successful. As far as the procedure is concerned, I did not feel any pain, neither had any side effects nor did I bleed heavily afterwards. This treatment cost me Rs. 5500.”

Eeshani from Kolkata, Age 36, had low AMH levels. After 1 failed IVF, she was suggested by her doctor to get ovarian PRP treatment. She says,

“My age was 33, when I had my ovarian PRP treatment after 1 failed IVF. Since my AMH levels were low, I went ahead with this treatment. It wasn’t painful, had no side effects, just a little discomfort in lower abdomen for a day. Basically, I did 3 cycles of ovarian PRP treatment  that cost me Rs. 30000 / cycle, it boosted my AMH level from 0.26 to 1.67. Fortunately, 4 eggs were retrieved and later 4 embryos were formed. Initially, l was trying for conceiving naturally, but when that didn’t happen, we went for frozen embryos and conceived with 1 of the embryo. Right now I am 36, and by God’s grace, healthy and 3 months pregnant.”


Fertility Dost applaud these three strong opinionated women for coming forward and discussing their courageous journey on our platform. Your stories will inspire and motivate many other women. After all! Fertility Dost community is all about, ‘Women uplifting women’.


Doctor’s Take On Ovarian PRP Treatment


“I do this treatment in my hospital for women who are young in age and have low ovarian reserve or thin endometrium lining “

– Dr. Biplab Roy Chowdhury (Clinical Director – Calcutta Cure Line IVF & Infertility Clinic)


“This treatment is still on experimental stage and very few have benefitted from this. Waiting for some solid evidence that show positive results with high success rates”

– Dr. Manjunath CS (Medical Director – Baby Science IVF clinic)

Though this treatment is gaining popularity and acceptance in some part of the population, we recommend you to do thorough investigation to know the exact cause of your low ovarian reserve before you opt for this treatment.

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Stem Cell Treatment For Infertility | A New Hope for Pregnancy

Can Ovarian PRP Treatment help to rejuvenate ovary?

Based on our discussions with top IVF specialist, we can assure that this technology is very promising in the years to come as there are no major side effects observed. But, it’s effectiveness  is still not up to our expectations, considering the fact that it has only handful of success stories.

If you have any further questions on Ovarian PRP treatment and its role in infertility cure or want personalized guidance/counselling on IVF preparation then we are just a call away. We are happy to share that Fertility Dost is having almost 90% success rate to help women and men in improving their health condition in a holistic way. Our team of experts and doctors have specially designed a plan, highly appreciated by our clients, called Fertility Coach Program. We don’t give you medicines but heal you using power of tried and tested ancient techniques.

Your first medical and emotional counselling is on us. Yes! Its free! Call us now to book your appointment with your new dost, Fertility Dost.

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