Proud IVF Parents | Stories Of Successful IVF Babies
Success Stories
For many years infertile couples thought of infertility as a disease until 25th July 1978. On this day, entire world saw a miracle – First IVF Baby, Ms. Louise Joy Brown. Since then, In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is a blessing for couples going through infertility. Once a miracle is now a go-to solution for almost all fertility issues.
IVF Is The New Normal
IVF baby is as normal as natural pregnancy baby. Babies born with the help of IVF treatment also grows for same 9 months in the mother’s womb only. The only difference is that, In IVF the embryo (Egg + sperm) is formed outside the uterus for 3 or 5 days and in natural pregnancy it is formed inside the uterus.
Important Facts
1. IVF baby is not a chemical baby
2. Only IVF treatment is not responsible for genetic disorders in baby (if any)
3. IVF baby leads a very normal life like any other babies
4. IVF baby on becoming adult can have their own baby with natural conception (Ms. Louise Joy Brown had her son without any medical intervention)
5. IVF baby don’t grow in test tubes or containers or laboratory or any other polythene bag
6. IVF baby grows in mother’s womb only
7. After a woman is pregnant with the help of IVF treatment her later journey as pregnant woman is no different than normal pregnant woman.
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Dudho Nahao, Puto Falo ( In Hindi )
Many Indians know this hindi proverb that is used by elders to bless married women for wealthy life and giving birth to boys. But if a woman is not able to conceive then the same elders at times, taunt her to be a Banjh (infertile). As a result, a constant family & society pressure of getting pregnant & having a child makes a women depressed and doubt her self-worth.
Be Bold & Proud
Don’t doubt your self-worth or blame your karma as in today’s world, infertility is a common issue due to changes in lifestyle, increasing marital age & genetic reasons. In India, 27.5 million couples suffer from some or the other form of infertility yet talking about infertility is still considered as social stigma, embarrassment, shyness or awkwardness.
1) Infertility among Indian couples is common
2) One in four couples of reproductive age in India finds it difficult to get pregnant naturally
3) Infertility is wrongly considered as disease
4) Infertility is not just a female problem. Male infertility exists.
5) Only 45% of couples visit a doctor when they are not able to conceive
6) Only 1% of infertile couples seek assisted reproductive treatments
Break The Stigma
1) Do not hesitate to openly talk about infertility
2) Don’t wait. Timely diagnosis of Infertility is must
3) Prepare your body and mind before opting for IVF / IUI treatments
4) Be proud to be mom and dad of IVF baby
5) Spread awareness
On this IVF Day
Fertility Dost has started an IVF campaign called #ProudIVFmom to raise awareness and reduce social stigma through education on symptoms and treatments of infertility conditions in couples trying to get pregnant.
We believe, together we can and we will make a difference if we practise these things
Proud IVF Parents & Their Healthy Babies
Ms. Gitanjali Banerjee
She is a proud IVF mom of a healthy baby boy and founder of Fertility Dost start-up. Her infertility journey inspired her to start #Fertility_Dost with the intension to help other fellow women & couples. Till date the organization has helped 50,000+ couples to achieve their parenthood journey.
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Mr. Abhishek & his better half.
Just like any other couple they too were scared of IVF treatments. But they wisely chose their doctor, Dr. Nisha Bhatnagar from Aveya Natural IVF who made them understand the whole procedure and answered their queries patiently. Today they are proud IVF parents.
Ms. Soma Das.
She had 7 years of struggle with infertility journey until she met Dr. Biplab Roy Chowdhury from Calcutta Cureline IVF & Infertility Clinic and later blessed with a healthy baby girl. Ms. Soma Banerjee wants people to not judge infertile couples on the choices they make to become parents and is also trying hard to break the taboo associated with Infertility.
Ms. Shhaily M.
She had 8 years of struggle with infertility journey and later blessed with 2 amazing kids. She is now a senior fertility coach with Fertility Dost and helping other couples to take right decisions in their journey.
Ms. Anitha Kumar
She is a warrior who won her infertility journey and is blessed with 2 grownup kids. Her journey made her a strong believer of yoga & meditation and today she is a certified senior yoga & meditation expert with Fertility Dost.
Don’t feel shy or scared when talking about infertility. Speak loud & clear about infertility to your family, friends and colleague. By doing so, you might educate or inspire many other young couples to take right decisions and not suffer at the hands of infertility.
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