She Says She’s Fine- Gitanjali Banerjee’s first podcast on Audible Suno on issues like fertility and about her very own Fertility Dost
Media, Success Stories
She Says She’s Fine is a women’ s health show hosted by Dr. Munjaal Kapadia, which talks about and tries to understand women and their health in a better way. The founder of Fertility Dost, Gitanjali Banerjee was on the show recently and spoke about building up the society and other socially tabooed subjects like fertility.
In the episode of almost two and half hours, Gitanjali shared everything, be it about her venture Fertility Dost and her vision for the same or her dreams and fears in the field like infertility.
So here’s a sneak peak of the whole episode which I found really interesting and worth listening to.
1. Challenges in the path to start Fertility Dost
It is not easy for anyone to come on a public platform and accept one’s own infertility and it’s equally difficult to tell the fact publically that someone’s child is an IVF baby; Gitanjali was no different. But she took up the challenge of helping many other such ladies without the fear of being judged. She knew that every story coming her way will scratch her pain and she will be reminded time and again of her own difficult journey to become a mother. Instead, she chose to turn Her pain into her biggest strength and here we have Fertility Dost.
2. Role played by Fertility Dost in helping women
Fertility Dost is a community which works on Buddy system, this means connecting the lady who has already crossed the bridge and have become a mother to the one who is going through the same. This helps in making the journey more convenient and easy for the ladies.
The community is working on the tech part with an online tool for the ladies to create their fertility evaluation report which would help them in understanding their situation better. From there, the experts can hold their hand for guiding them through their journey ahead.
3. Right suggestions for on time treatments
Couples, in the aspiration to become a parent, generally waste so much of time and money with their gynae because of their lack of awareness and knowledge and somewhere due to social taboo. Here this community plays a vital role by guiding them to the fertility specialists and counselors so that the couples can start with the right treatment at the right time as this phase is generally too crucial to waste any time.
Fertility Dost has created an Online doctor chat section with the qualified and certified professionals for the community members as there are certain doubts and issues which needs expert professional advice only.
4. Fertility Dost is much more than just a forum for Infertility issues
This community is based on belief and trust so when women starting developing their faith in Fertility Dost, a lot more starting pouring in like the cases of abusive marriage to child abuse and much more. Women starting believing in confiding to someone whom they looked up to for help as well. The community became more of a space where they started finding strength amongst many more such ladies who are also dealing with one or the other problem in life.
5. Safe, secure and sanitized platform
Since this community deals in very sensitive issues so it is much required to maintain that faith and trust of the community members. That is why; there is a strict moderation and alertness by the team and admin to avoid any type of jigging by anyone. Certain strict guidelines have been set up and the technology is used in its best form to avoid unwanted outside intruders.
6. Objectives of Fertility Dost
Fertility Dost aims at dealing with the society at large by offering much more other than guiding and helping for IVF treatment. They plan to generate awareness in much bigger picture like
- • Spreading more awareness on the topics like IVF, PCoD, infertility, adoption and many more such social taboos
- • Cutting off the mushrooming IVF clinics which use the need and greed of couples to become a parent
- • Guiding the couples for basic important questions and facts to be asked at the IVF Clinics
7. Planning to Democratize and making Fertility Dost available to all sections of society
Every person is not so pro with the internet and English language so the community tries to come on ground to associate with the larger section of society by
- • Organizing offline events by collaborating with local groups
- • Uploading videos and contents in Hindi
- • Training and planting community people as their spokesperson amongst the society for that personal touch
Gitanjali thought of doing this and succeeded by starting Fertility Dost which has already touched the lives of many and it’s just the beginning in this field. The society is going to change and there is a much larger picture to this.
Click on the link below to listen to the complete conversation :
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