These Real Life Fertility Success Stories Will Prove That Acupuncture Can Treat Infertility, For Sure
We are big believers of acupuncture as a method of treatment and its positive impact in solving infertility. And, today we can methodically prove it too through these real life success stories where acupuncture has helped treat infertility. You will never again ask questions like, “Can acupuncture treat infertility?” After reading these cases studies you will never doubt that acupuncture helps men and women who are otherwise believed to be infertile, to have children.
Mallika, an experienced acupuncturist has shared her patient record diary for the first time and gives us complete details of couples who have undergone acupuncture treatment under her. Through this social cause, she aims to restore faith and hope in couples struggling with fertility issues.
Real-Life Success Stories: How Acupuncture May Support Fertility
Case 1 –Acupunture Method Using Moxibution Helps a Woman Get Pregnant
In 1985, I was still finishing acupuncture studies under the guidance of renowned Acupuncturist, Dr. L. Grinnell and we were running a small clinic. A young Indian lady, Mrs. X, our neighbour, came to ask if acupuncture could help as she was not getting pregnant. She and her husband were trying for the past 3 years to have a baby without success.
They had already been to several gynaecologists and had alsoundergone some tests. She was fine but her husband’s sperm count was low and not of a good quality. Mrs. X was very enthusiastic about acupuncture and was ready to give it a try.
Dr Grinnell encouraged me to take up the case.
As my study and practice was “Traditional acupuncture” methodology, my first session with Mrs. X was focussed on harmonizing her energy in general and then go for specialized treatment when this was achieved.
It did not take long as Mrs. X was in pretty good heath. While looking into the clinical work done by George Soulie de Morant in his book “L’ACUPONCTURE CHINOISE”, I came across a chapter titled, “The genital system”.
Mrs. X’s husband was not inclined to take acupuncture treatment so at the moment ,I concentrated on the acupuncture for women in this case .
There were many indications about the numerous causes of infertility but a particular acupuncture point was given. This point in traditional Chinese acupuncture is called, “Extraordinary points” or “Marvelous points” by the author which means acupuncture points that are not located on the 14 meridians.
These acupuncture points are used for their specific effects on organs, energy, and blood circulation system. There are some indications in ancient Chinese medical texts about acupuncture points which can cause conception despite any problems.
For treating infertility, this point placed on the lower pelvis is not to be punctured but a method called moxibution should be adopted, which is a method of applying heat above an acupuncture point with a burning stick made of herbs mainly Artemesia (available in India). So moxibution was given to Mrs. X for 3 days after the start of her menstruation cycle .
The main purpose of using this method was to increase her capacity to conceive. The location of the point, the duration of treatment, the number of applications to get the desired outcome everything was indicated in the book..
Mrs. X had to undergo two sets of moxibution along with needles energizing her sexual system that helps one conceive.
As a result of this, she delivered a beautiful baby boy 9 months later. So, acupuncture can treat infertility for sure! In fact, Mrs. X delivered another boy in two years and this time without any acupuncture or medical intervention.
ALSO READ: Acupuncture And Infertility | All You Must Know
Case 2 – Acupuncture And Fertility Works Even Amidst Social Taboos
In 1989, I was working as an acupuncturist at a Heath Center in a south indian village when a lady came to me who was married for 2 years and yet was unable to conceive.
I didn’t iequire about her husband’s state of health on this subject because in those days it was believed that women are solely responsible for having children. Infertility was never an issue concerning men. I decided to initially start acupuncture treatment with the woman and if the response was not positive, I decided that we could somehow convince and try to involve her husband too at a later stage.
She came for regular sessions until her periods started and e 3 days after receiving moxibution treatment as mentioned in Case 1, the same ‘marvelous’ point was worked upon. On the last day of the session, I asked her to come the day after the next menstruation starts, if she didn’t get pregnant by then.
I saw her again after 3 months when she came to tell me secretly that she was pregnant and asked if there was a treatment to have a healthy baby.
In the ancient literature and clinical records of G S M there is a point in one of the 14 regular meridians which directly rectifies heredity problems that prevent the birth of a healthy baby.In this, accupuncture has to be used to increase the energy once or twice during the third and sixth month of pregnancy and through this your chances of delivering a healthy baby are higher.
The sessions went fine. She delivered a healthy and beautiful baby girl. Few years later, she got pregnant without any special help and delivered her second baby normally.
ALSO READ: A Guide To Understand Acupuncture Treatment
Case 3 – Acupuncture Treats Unexplained Infertility
This is another case where you will see that becoming pregnant naturally and delivering a baby is not so simple even with acupuncture.
For this case, let’s imagine a fairy tale like situation:
Once upon a time a tall handsome man came for a an acupuncture session as his wife wanted him to first consult the therapist to be sure that she was making the right choice.
Shiva- was married to Kripa for 4 years and they loved each other dearly but God’s grace seemed to be far from them as Kripa was going through her 3rd miscarriage. Shiva was very tense and depressed because of this situation.
The first acupuncture treatment was a discovery for Shiva. During the session he could experience a deep-rooted peace, had beautiful visions full of lights and was convinced that Kripa would also like to try it even if it was just for relaxation.
So the next day, Kripa was at my door– a beautiful young lady around 30, slightly heavy, feeling immediately at ease with the therapist. She explained that she was under heavy medications for the last 3 years and now was experiencing a failed IVF…her desperation had no limits; doctors were not able to identify the problem.
Kripa was able to conceive every time naturally but the embryo would not develop heartbeat and so each time she had to undergo DNC (abortion). Moreover, the last doctor had told her that after 3 miscarriages, she will not be able to conceive any more.
Could this be the end of the story?
Kripa came for acupuncture treatment precisely when her menstruation was due. We waited for the right time, and started regular treatment and on the right days, moxibution was given on the same marvellous point. And you know what?
Kripa could conceive again. That was the first victory against negative and false statements.
Yes! Kripa conceived and both Shiva and Kripa were over-joyed. But once again Kripa had a miscarriage but by this time Kripa decided to continue without losing hope. She decided to turn around all the stones which blinded the scenes. So her husband underwent all the tests possible and the mystery deepened when I came to know that his sexual system was healthy and strong; his sperm was of a good quality.
Kripa continued her search: she wanted to have a baby with her own body, and secretly knew it would happen no matter what!
She remembered that at the beginning of her desire to conceive one doctor had told her that among many causes of infertility, egg quality could be a problem. She somehow did not pay attention to this possibility but with time and several bad experiences, Kripa wanted to turn that last stone before going for adoption.
Adoption!!!! This is again another story…How to convince Shiva and his family of this choice and what about the consequences?
As last, Kripa went with Shiva to meet a geneticist who was interested in their case. She took all the documents. After two weeks when they returned to meet the doctor, the fault had been identified: some genetic disorders in her case was possibly having a fatal effect on her fertilized egg every time. So, Kripa herself was responsible for her miscarriage every time. BUT the genetic specialist suggested another type of IVF.
That was a ray of hope for Shiva and Kripa. They followed it and decided for a second IVF knowing that for its success Kripa would have to undergo a long treatment again with heavy medication: She had to start IVF medicines one month before the treatment and continue until the end of her first trimester of pregnancy. Among these medicines, progesterone injections are very painful but Kripa was determined to go through that tough phaseand she continued unabated for 90 days after the day the embryo was transferred. Of course Kripa had to suffer– not just from gastritis, liver pain, soreness and weight gain, water retention due to heavy medication but also from bouts of depression, mood swings, irritation, and loss of credibility in the whole process. But through all this, Kripa and Shiva kept in touch with the acupuncturist as well just to make sure nothing would go wrong. That helped maintaining emotional and physical stability.
Kripa even managed to get a week of acupuncture treatment before the embryo transfer to keep her body as fit as possible before the IVF.
With each passing day without any fallout Kripa got the wonderful sensation that indeed a life was growing inside her; the faint feeling became a physical reality. When she felt the movements of her baby inside her, Kripa was delighted. But when she stopped feeling them for a while, she got scared, although Shiva was always optimistic and kept comforting her but the joy was not complete. They were holding it for THE DAY when their baby boy came to earth.
As in a fairy tale the DAY did come and the ending was happy where everything fell in place.
Yes, acupuncture can treat problems relating to infertility and one can avail of its benefits. However, one has to be a believer and must have immense patience. Acupuncture is the only traditional treatment that even Allopathy agrees to.
About The Expert
LEANDRE Claude, Mallika is French by nationality but has been in India since 1980’s and is an Aurovillian ( resident of Auroville, Pondicherry). She graduated from National Institute of Professional Careers Adviser in Paris and did her Psychological studies from Jussieu University in Paris. In 1986, she did a Certified Masseuse and Acupuncturist in Pondicherry. Mallika worked as a Certified Reiki and Pranic Healer Practitionner in Auroville from 1988 to 1994. For the past 20 years she has been giving private consultation and curing many people with acupuncture and energy healing.
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