Fertility Dost

Tips For Successful Embryo Transfer |What To Do Before and After Embryo Transfer

Tips For Successful Embryo Transfer |What To Do Before and After Embryo Transfer

Finally, the day has arrived! Embryo Transfer is the day that will decide whether you will have a successful IVF cycle or not. If you are the one who has had multiple embryo implantation failures, then you know the importance of having a healthy embryo. But a healthy embryo is not formed overnight! Hence, we strongly recommend that you prepare your body and mind for at least 3 months to ensure a successful embryo transfer and implantation. Along with the preparation, it’s important to be aware of the dos and don’ts after embryo transfer to give yourself the best chance for success. These guidelines will help you navigate the post-transfer period and support your body in nurturing the embryo.

(Do checkout our fertility coach program / IVF Preparation Program)


What Is Embryo Transfer?

It is the final step of IVF Procedure. During the IVF procedure, progesterone and hormone inducing medicines and injections are given to stimulate the ovaries for releasing healthy eggs. The eggs are retrieved from ovaries and fertilized by retrieved sperm in the lab to form embryo or embryos. Only the healthy & live embryo is then transferred in the uterus through the cervical opening into the uterine cavity with help of thin, long catheter and ultrasound machine and how this will help you on Dos and donts after embryo transfer.


11 Important Facts To Remember on Embryo Transfer Day

  1. Don’t panic or take stress on the day of ET.
  2. The process should take approximately 30 minutes. It is simple and usually painless with the possibility of some cramping.
  3. Ultrasound-guided Embryo Transfer is the most efficient technique for best placement.
  4. Anesthesia or sedation is mostly not required.
  5. You can have a light meal before your Embryo transfer.
  6. Transfer is done with your bladder full. So, drink plenty of water almost an hour before your ET.
  7. Don’t wear makeup or perfume as embryos are sensitive in nature.
  8. After ET, please empty your bladder and rest for 15-20 mins. Bedrest is not required.
  9. Avoid hot baths, swimming, spas, and saunas for a minimum of 2 weeks.
  10. Avoid having sex.
  11. Avoid long or bumpy trips right after embryo transfer because the embryo takes the first 72 hours to implant itself.


Types Of Embryo Transfer

  1. Fresh Embryo Transfer – Once the eggs are fertilized, they are cultured for a couple of days before directly transferring to the uterus.
  2. Frozen Embryo Transfer – Healthy Embryos that were frozen before any critical surgery or were not used in the first transfer of IVF cycle can be thawed and transferred to the uterus in the next IVF cycle.
  3. Day 3 (Cleavage) Embryo Transfer – If an embryo contains 6 to 10 cells, it is considered as a good and normally growing embryo. This healthy day 3 embryo can be transferred into the uterus.
  4. Day 5 (Blastocyst) Embryo Transfer – If an embryo contains 70 to 100 cells, it is considered as a good and normally growing embryo. At this stage, it is called a blastocyst and can be transferred into the uterus.
  5. Single Embryo Transfer – Only a single day 3 or day 5 healthy embryo is transferred into the uterus.
  6. Multiple Embryo Transfer – Multiple embryos of either day 3 or day 5 are transferred into the uterus.

Depending upon your condition, Doctor and embryologist (The expert behind successful IVF) will suggest the suitable type of embryo transfer.


Tips For Successful Embryo Transfer

Fertility Dost have especially designed an IVF Preparation Program that focusses on boosting your overall fertility health. Since, embryo transfer is the most critical step of IVF Treatment, our IVF Preparation program does full 360-degree research on your infertility situation and accordingly plan and customize your IVF Preparation Program to help you conceive faster and this dos and donts after embryo transfer will help you. This program focuses on your Body and Mind and is divided into 2 parts.

In addition to following medical advice, what to do the night before embryo transfer also involves preparing your body and mind for the next day’s procedure. Relaxation techniques, such as meditation or gentle stretching, may help reduce anxiety. It’s a good idea to avoid heavy meals, alcohol, or caffeine to ensure your body is in the best possible state. Understanding what to do the night before embryo transfer will give you confidence, knowing you’ve done everything to optimize your chances of success and reduce unnecessary stress during this crucial time.

1) What To Do Before Embryo Transfer


  • Fertility Diet & Nutrition : We all know that, during IVF treatments a lot of hormone injections are given which causes bloating and effects your digestion. Our Fertility Diet & Nutrition program helps to improve your Gut Function, rectifies hormonal imbalance and boost energy levels.
  • Fertility Acupressure : We all have total 250 major & minor energy points in our body. Out of which 114 are very important points and 7 points are the ones that helps in improving hormonal balance. Fertility Acupressure helps to stimulate those energy points and promotes growth of cells in your body. Dos and donts after embryo transfer is highly recommended for fertility.
  • Fertility Ayurveda : Fertility Ayurveda helps in improving overall health during the entire IVF journey along with allopathy medicines. It helps your body to respond well to the IVF treatments.
  • Fertility Yoga : Importance of Yoga is well known by all of us. Its true that Yoga helps in improving fertility health as well. Our yoga asanas are designed in such way that it improves your endometrium lining, blood flow to ovaries and also improves quality of eggs.


2) What To Do After Embryo Transfer

Once the embryo transfer is done, patiently waiting for 14 days is the most difficult thing to do. All sort of mixed emotions (mostly negative) rush in the head and you face many such below circumstances.

  • Having an urge to do pregnancy test often
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Panic Attacks
  • Fear of Failure
  • Confusion
  • Impatient
  • Negative Thoughts
  • Restlessness

To avoid such negativity and focus on improving your mental and physical health we have designed below programs

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  • Fertility Acupressure : After Embryo Transfer, acupressure helps the embryo to stick and grow by itself hence resulting in successful pregnancy. Acupressure is very helpful during the entire IVF Treatment.
  • Fertility Diet & Nutrition : Because it’s recommended that you reduce your daily activities and can’t do much exercises hence it affects your gut system. To ease your digestive system and make your body feel light and energetic, we recommend taking up this program.
  • Fertility Meditation : Meditation helps you to be calm, peaceful and create a pure connection with the baby growing inside you. You feel relaxed and rejuvenated.
  • IVF Counselling : Many feel anxious and get panic attacks due to fear of failure. Don’t miss these red flags and immediately opt for IVF counselling. Dos and donts after embryo transfer It will help you heal and overcome your fear. Negativity won’t haunt you and you will feel more positive emotions.


Always remember, a healthy embryo is not formed overnight. A couple must prepare their Body and Mind to have healthy eggs and sperms in order to get healthy embryo. And, IVF preparation program can help you to achieve this.

Healthy Egg + Healthy Sperm = Healthy Embryo (Successful IVF)

Knowing what to do the night before embryo transfer is crucial to ensure a calm and prepared mindset. The night before the procedure is an important time to rest and mentally prepare. Experts recommend getting a good night’s sleep and avoiding stress as much as possible. What to do the night before embryo transfer also includes staying hydrated, but be mindful not to drink too much water before bed. It’s essential to follow any specific instructions given by your fertility clinic, such as avoiding certain foods or medications. Understanding what to do the night before embryo transfer can help set the stage for a successful procedure.

Call us know and book your appointment with our team of experts and doctors to plan your customized IVF Preparation Program. You yourself will feel the changes in your body and mind within few months.

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