Unique Fertility Experience at GFC
IVF Clinics
Another cycle, Another negative urine pregnancy test. So much frustration, anger, grief and depression.Couples undergoing fertility treatment are under constant stress. Fertility treatment affects approximately one in eight couple, if not more. There are many reasons why a couple is infertile. Infertility treatment can be one of most challenging treatment to go throughas it can sometimes be long drawn with many hurdles.
The journey to your family can be short, comfortable, safe, cost effective and a happy experience, if you choose a fertility clinic right. The right fertility clinic, with its experienced fertility specialists and the team of well-trained staff will make the experience and journey very smooth.
Garbba Rakshambigai Fertility Centre (GFC) (www.gfcindia.in) was established in 1992, with the rock-solid expertise and experience of Dr.Jayam Kannan. Dr. Priya Kannan, with her post-graduation in Reproductive health and Human Genetics from University of Sydney and Masters in Clinical Embryology from the world-famous Monash University, with 19 years of rich experience, is part of the team as the Director of IVF lab and Fertility Services. The team also has Dr Sulochana, a very senior OBGYN and Dr.Prashitha with over 10 years of experience. We are proud to say that our well-trained staff are long serving, continue to provide a pleasant experience and homely environment for each and every patient. Check our patient testimonials in www.gfcindia.in/testimonials.php.
As one of our patients had mentioned, to our delight, GFC Stands for Good, Faith and Care!
Patient Experience at GFC: What Sets Them Apart
What we do differently!
1) Correct diagnosis
There is no ONE reason for infertility and hence there is no one treatment. Dozens of medical conditions can cause infertility. The key is to arrive at the correct diagnosis as the correct treatment depends on the same. This will greatly increase the chance of success for the couple within the shortest time possible. The following are the basic reasons for infertility-
- Problems with the egg
- Problems with the sperm
- Problems with uterus
- Combination of any of the above
- Unexplained infertility
Right number of tests will help us in arriving what the problem is. This way, not too much tests are done, which would make the treatment expensive, and by doing too less tests diagnosis may be missed. An accurate diagnosis saves a lot of time and expenditure by guiding towards the right treatment.
2) Least Time to pregnancy
Not all problems and diagnosis in infertility require IVF. IVF is NOT necessary for all couples undergoing fertility treatment. Individualisation of treatment is the key, which is THE basis of treatment at GFC. One third of our patients go ahead to conceive naturally, which is a matter of pride for us and a mark of our accuracy in diagnosis and treatment.That’s why we are a fertility Centre, not just an IVF Clinic.
Time to pregnancy is one of the key factors to measure the quality of a fertility program.We always try to achieve the goal of achieving pregnancy at the earliest.Based on the diagnosis, we suggest treatments that has the best possibility to give the maximum pregnancy rate within the shortest period of time. The least time to pregnancy concept is very important to both women and men with advanced age, women with low AMH and men with very low sperm or nil sperm count.
3) Cost effective
We at GFC understand that money is a major concern especially in India where fertility treatment is not covered by insurance. We know the importance of hard-earned money. Our well-read experts devise treatment strategy which balances with your financial status. With transparent pricing, we keep fertility treatment cost effective. Hence, we strive to offer the right treatment the very first time, to avoid wastage of time and minimise expenditure.
4) Supportive Environment
GFC is committed to providing a supportive environment to each and every couple. Doctors spend quality time with patients explaining the problem and the treatment options, in addition to giving a lending ear to their feelings. Our patients have been quite vocal in appreciating our doctors for this, which can be seen in many testimonials. Not only the doctors, every one of our staff have empathetic approach towards patients, making them feel at ease during the entire journey towards cherished parenthood.
5) Emotional support
Couples with Infertility find themselves most often than not, lonely. It is difficult to find a person to express their feelings, struggles, thoughts, status of mind, especially when there are sexual and marital issues. Our doctors, counsellors and staff, who have helped couple in every kind of situation, are with the patient medically and emotionally with step of the way throughout the journey. Problems in marriage, sexual dysfunction, depression, anxiety, loneliness, feeling of grief are normal reaction, which we always recognise and help our patients out with. We can help restore some hope. We also connect patients to resources that you might not know about.
Consult an US at GFC as soon as possible for best results if:
- The female partner is under 35 years of age and have been trying longer than a year to get pregnant.
- The female partner is over 35 years of age and been trying longer than 6 months to get pregnant.
- If you have been having irregular periods
- If the male partner is known to have low or no sperms
- Any history of sexual dysfunction
- Either partner is over 40.
Clinic Address:-
GarbbaRakshambigai Fertility Centre,
4, 6th Cross Street, United India Colony,
Kodambakkam. Chennai 600024. Tamil Nadu. India.
Cell – 8754498680
Contact – Director of IVF Services – Dr. Priya Kannan
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