Uterine Fibroid And Infertility | Causes, Symptoms & Treatments
Infertility, IVF Clinics
Have you ever heard of Fibroids or know someone with fibroids? Due to the widespread myths and lack of awareness on the subject, our first instinct when we hear the word fibroid is to associate it with cancer and a source of infertility. There is much to know about uterine fibroids, the different kinds, why they are caused, and the complications that can arise as a result of them. In this article, we attempt to explain all that there is to know about fibroids and the most common myths about them and debunk them for you. Continue Reading to know more
What Are Fibroids?
In simple terms, uterine fibroids are sorts of tumors of muscle tissues typically found inside the uterus. Fibroids are caused by the expansion or multiplication of a single muscular cell along the uterine wall lining growing to become a tumor. Depending on the shape size and nature of the fibroid, they can be found anywhere in and around the uterus including the cervix, and fibroid symptoms can vary. Fibroids are actually very common with over 20% of women of reproductive age having them, it is the lack of awareness on the subject that makes it appear so intimidating. Although there is not much research and explanation for the cause of fibroids, some exert the belief that it arises due to a combination of genetic, environmental, and hormonal factors. Fibroid causes however still appear to be unclear.
Although there is no way to prevent the creation of fibroids, one must not stress about them. Fibroids may cause discomfort or display some symptoms but they are most likely not going to impact your overall health and well-being too drastically. Thanks to the advancement of science and technology, there are several medications that you may take or surgical procedures that you can opt for to deal with fibroids.
Symptoms to look out for
As discussed earlier, uterine fibroids are not rare and are present in several women. To stay safe, keep a lookout for these unusual signs and uterine fibroid symptoms and visit a doctor if you find yourself experiencing any of them.
- Extremely Painful menstrual cycles
- A Feeling of wanting to urinate frequently
- Pain during sexual intercourse
- Bloating or unusual pain in the pelvic region
- Unusual lower back pain
- Unusual or heavy bleeding during or apart from the menstrual cycle.
What Are The Types Of Fibroids?
Fibroids may impact different women differently on the basis of their size, nature, shape, and location. Typically, researchers and medical experts have classified fibroids into 4 categories :
1. Submucosal fibroids
Located in the submucosa or below the tissue lining of the uterus, they are the rarest kinds of fibroids. They often protrude into the uterine cavity
2. Subserosal Fibroids
In comparison to submucosal fibroids, these are found on the outer lining of the uterus.
3. Pedunculated Fibroids
These are the types of fibroids seen growing on the stalks and stems and can grow either on the inside or outside of the uterine cavity.
4. Intramural Fibroids
As the most commonly found fibroids, they grow and are contained within the uterine wall.
Can Fibroids Cause Infertility?
A commonly believed principle is that fibroids lead to infertility but this is not true. There are some studies that suggest a link between fibroids and infertility however this in no way means that every woman who has fibroids is infertile. Only a doctor will be able to analyze the cause of infertility. However that being said, there are some risks associated with pregnancy and fibroids by:
- Fibroids may in some cases alter the amount/ quantity of sperm that can enter the uterus making it difficult for conception.
- Blood flow to the uterus may be affected by the presence of fibroids and this may cause implantation failure either in the case of natural conception or via IVF
- Sometimes, the growth of fibroids in the fallopian tubes may prevent eggs from being released to the uterus preventing conception
- The growth of fibroids along the uterine wall may prevent the embryo from properly developing and can in some cases result in miscarriages.
- In pregnant women, fibroids may sometimes become the source of severe pain.
- There is also an increased chance of preterm delivery, and cesarean section if a woman has fibroids.
Busting The Myths Around Fibroids & Infertility
As with any case, there tends to exist several myths where there is a lack of information. Several myths regarding fibroids exist and here we attempt to break down some of the most common myths.
1. Fibroids Always Lead to Infertility
Although fibroids can cause some difficulties in conceiving and during pregnancy, they are not directly related to fertility in any way. Having fibroids does not automatically make you infertile. Infertility may be caused due to a number of underlying reasons such as hormonal imbalances, poor egg or sperm quality, and having a weak uterus. If you are unable to conceive, there is a high possibility that it is not due to the fibroids but some other reason and you must consider visiting a doctor.
2. All Fibroids are cancerous
Often, women get scared and panic when they are told that they have fibroids as they are often associated with cancer. But the truth is, not all fibroids are cancerous. In fact, a majority of fibroids are non-cancerous and possess no danger to the life of a woman. In any case, your doctor will help you identify the fibroids, nature of them and with a few standard tests be able to assess whether or not they are cancerous and based on that suggest a course of action.
3. Fibroids must always be surgically removed
Yet another common myth surrounding fibroids is that they always have to be removed but that is far from the truth.In most cases, your doctor will recommend you not to undergo any procedure for the removal of the fibroids.However, in a case where there is a chance that the fibroids may be cancerous or are located in the fallopian tubes blocking the release of eggs, your doctor may suggest getting them surgically removed or provide you with certain medications to help relieve symptoms. Fibroid treatments are an open range and you can consult your doctor to understand the details.
4. Removal of All fibroids requires a massive surgery
Yet again, this is a misunderstanding. Earlier, due to the lack of development in the field of medical technology, there was a need for invasive surgeries to get rid of fibroids but thanks to the latest developments, fibroids can now be easily dealt with using procedures such as artery embolism or myomectomy. Upon consultation with your doctor and a complete assessment of your condition, a doctor will be able to recommend the correct form of fibroid treatment.
At Fertility Dost, our community of vibrant women has all had their stories to share about battling infertility and fibroids. Want to know more about treatment options and planning a pregnancy with fibroids? Become part of the Fertility Dost community today.? Fertility Dost is India’s largest online platform for all problems related to infertility. We offer a wide range of programs including Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Acupressure, Nutrition, and emotional wellness counseling to help you get pregnant quickly.
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