Fertility Dost

What Are the Causes Of Infertility? for Men and Women

Female Infertility, Infertility, Male Infertility
What Are the Causes Of Infertility? for Men and Women

When you start asking about the causes of infertility consider yourself being on the right path to solving the problem of infertility. Acknowledging that a problem exists is a good start towards winning the battle of infertility.

For those who have been trying for almost a year to conceive without success, it is best to visit a good doctor to get a clear picture of what is happening and what can be done to overcome it? While in most cases of infertility, the reasons are known, in some it is unexplained. Nevertheless, though this infertility journey (marked by long wait outside the doctor’s clinic, tests and treatment) is arduous, remember you are not alone. There are many out there, struggling just like you to understand and take steps to rectify the problem. Let’s therefore begin by revisiting the basics.

What causes infertility?

While the reasons are many, here are some basic ones:

The basic point to understand is that the steps that lead to ovulation and fertilization needs to happen at the correct time and in the right order for a woman to get pregnant. Some issues that cause infertility could be present since birth (in both men and women) or could develop gradually as they grow. It is also important to understand that contrary to the belief of Indian society, infertility could be due to problems with men as well, not just with women.


Let’s first look at the most common medical causes of infertility that affect our chances of getting pregnant.


What Causes Infertility In Women?


Image Source : Drsonubalhara


  1. Ovulation Disorder which affects the release of eggs from the ovary.
  2. Abnormalities with the opening of the cervix, uterine or cervical abnormalities.
  3. Benign uterine fibroids that may block the fallopian tubes.
  4. Growth of endometrial tissue (endometriosis) outside the uterus.
  5. Early menopause where the ovaries stop functioning.
  6. Certain types of cancers and their treatment that affect the reproductive organs.
  7. Delayed puberty or absence of it (amenorrhea)
  8. Quality and quantity of eggs (ascertained by AMH test)
  9. Closed or damaged fallopian tubes
  10. Shape of uterus
  11. Thyroid
  12. Hormonal imbalance
  13. Genetic Issues ( Ruled out by Karotyping tests)


Male Infertility Causes


Image Source : myivfbaby


  1. Premature ejaculation that may cause problems with the delivery of sperm.
  2. Sperm Count – Quality, quantity and mortality of sperms should be in perfect condition.
  3. Cystic fibrosis/genetic problems.
  4. Blockage in the testicles.
  5. Damage/injury to the reproductive organs.
  6. Overexposure to chemicals/radiation.
  7. Smoking or intake of heavy medications (antibiotics, anti-hypertensive)
  8. Frequent exposure to heat (saunas, hot tubs) that may affect sperm count.
  9. Diabetes or other genetic defects
  10. Undescended testicles or enlarged vein in the testicles that could also affect the quality of sperm.
  11. Azoospermia


Causes Of Infertility Led By Lifestyle Issues


Besides, these there are those factors that are under our control.




Most doctors now advice the TTC (Trying to Conceive) couples to avoid stress as much as they can, whether at home or at work. Sometimes, a peaceful and relaxed intercourse is all it takes to get pregnant. But, given our lifestyle and the heightened levels of stress that it brings forth, even this simple process seems to be eluding most couples.




As women age beyond 37, the number and quality of eggs may pose a problem. Similarly, men over 40 may be less fertile than those younger than them.




It is often associated with a sedentary lifestyle and is often cited as a cause for infertility. A man’s sperm count may be low if he is overweight. At the same time women who have eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia) or those on a restrictive diet normally find it difficult to conceive. Keep a healthy BMI.




If either partner is addicted to smoking tobacco/marijuana, the chances of getting pregnant are reduced. In fact, among men, smoking is known to reduce sperm count and motility. Besides, it could also lead to birth defects.


Quick Lifestyle Changes That You Can Make To Improve Conception Chances


Not getting pregnant even after several years of marriage, is more of a mental agony. It is easy to point fingers at a problem. However, it is identifying a solution that matters and one that is sometimes more cumbersome than the problem itself.

Some of the solutions that have helped many and ones which you can follow too are:


Go Organic: Stay free of chemicals and pesticides that are commonly used in foods that we buy from our regular grocery stores. Though expensive, it is definitely worth every single rupee spent to buy from an organic store. Take care of your diet. Incorporate more of Ayurvedic or Mediterranean foods in your daily diet.


Medicines: Folic Acid, Omega 3 and 6, Vitamin D, Primrose supplements are some of the medicines that you should start right away. These are absolutely safe and simply help manage female hormones thus assisting in conception by preparing your body in the right way.


Take up A Hobby: To come out of the stress that the family or society imposes on you, take up a hobby. It is a great stress buster and will help you keep calm.


Light Exercise: Yoga, walking, swimming – pick up any light exercise that you are comfortable with. Keep your mind and body active. When we exercise our body releases a good hormone which is quite crucial to get pregnant.


Acupuncture: This is fast catching up. These Real Life Fertility Success Stories Will Prove That Acupuncture Can Treat Infertility, For Sure. For more understanding on this subject you must read, Acupuncture And Infertility | All You Must Know and A Guide To Understand Acupuncture Treatment. Acupuncture works on a holistic and much deeper level so it does makes an impact. However, try it only if you trust it. Skeptic mind will not lead to good results.


Whatever be the cause, remember, do not suffer in silence. Open up and discuss this with your doctor and get yourself treated. Sometimes, a simple change could do wonders. Take that first step and save yourself from falling into the vicious cycle of, I Didn’t Miss My Periods, Again.

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